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The Writings of TGM



The series The Writings of T. G. Masaryk represents the largest project on his collected writings since 1945 in the Czech Republic. The project was first conceived in the mid-1980s, although the work on the editions could only start after November 1989, with the revival of the T.G. Masaryk Institute and the establishment of the Masaryk Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. This editorial project emphasizes chronological order and brings together the works that Masaryk published in book format. The greatest benefit comes from the collection and editing of hundreds of studies, articles, reviews, and polemical texts, which have so far been scattered in various Czech and foreign-language publications, such as newspapers, magazines, proceedings, and so on. The texts that were originally published in a foreign language, such as in German, English, Russian, or French for example, are now published in Czech translation. The aim of The Writings is to convey the maximum number of Masaryk’s published texts in a reliable collection with commentary and an extended index of names in every edition.
Editor-in-Chief: Jiří Brabec
Editorial Board: Vratislav Doubek, Jiří Flaišman, Jana Malínská, Ivan Šedivý, Josef Tichý, Luboš Velek, Jan Zouhar, Josef Zumr
Publisher: T.G. Masaryk Institute and the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Demokracie v politice. Texty z let 1907-1910, Vol.. 27, eds. Marie M. Neudorflová - Vojtěch Kessler, Prague 2020, 854 pages.
Hilsneriáda a texty z let 1898-1900, was published as two volumes: Vols.24a-24b, ed. Luboš Merhaut, Prague 2019, 1152 pages.




Texty z let 1895-1897, Vol. 23, ed. Jiří Flaišman.


Generální jmenný rejstřík ke Spisům TGM.